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(组通字〔1998〕6号 1998年2月16日)


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(1997年5月23日长春市第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十三次会议通过 1997年7月25日吉林省第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议批准 1997年8月7日公布施行)

第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强农业机械管理,发挥农业机械作用,提高农业机械化水平,根据《中华人民共和国农业法》等有关法律、法规的规定,结合本市实际,制定本条例。
第二条 本条例所称农业机械,是指用于农业、林业、畜牧业、渔业、农副产品初加工业的动力机械、作业机械、运输机械及其配件。
第三条 本市行政区域内从事农业机械管理、销售维修、经营服务、推广培训等活动的单位和个人,均须遵守本条例。

第四条 市、县(市)、区人民政府应当加强对农业机械化工作的领导,将农业机械化事业纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,增加对农业机械化事业的投入,鼓励开展农业机械科学技术研究和新技术、新机具推广,发展农业机械化教育事业,完善农业机械社会化服务体系。
第五条 市、县(市)、区人民政府应当按照大中型农业机械更新改造计划,安排一定资金用于大中型农业机械更新改造。
第六条 市、县(市)、区农业机械管理部门负责本行政区域内的农业机械行政管理工作。
第七条 乡(镇)农业机械管理服务站是国家事业单位,受县(市)、区农业机械管理部门与乡(镇)人民政府双重领导。县(市)、区农业机械管理部门主要负责计划安排、业务指导、人员编制、固定资产及资金管理等。乡(镇)人民政府负责组织计划实施和监督。
第八条 农业、林业、牧业、水利、工商、财政、技术监督、公安、物价、交通、国有资产、劳动、环保等部门,按照各自的职责,做好农业机械管理工作。
第九条 市、县(市)、区人民政府对发展农业机械化事业做出显著成绩的单位和个人应当给予表彰和奖励。

第二章 销售维修
第十条 销售农业机械的单位和个人,应当经当地农业机械管理部门进行审核,取得技术合格证,并到工商行政管理部门办理营业执照,方可营业。
第十一条 销售农业机械的单位和个人,应当具备下列条件:
第十二条 销售农业机械的单位和个人,应当执行进货检查验收制度,检验合格证明和其他标识;对实行生产许可证、推广许可证和售前报验制度的农业机械,应当在供货方提供有关证明后进货。
第十三条 禁止销售下列农业机械:
第十四条 销售农业机械的单位和个人,应当执行价格管理规定,并对所销售的农业机械明码标价。
第十五条 销售农业机械的单位和个人对其销售的农业机械应当在国家或者生产单位规定的保证期内对用户实行包修、包换、包退。
第十六条 农业机械质量检验机构受技术监督部门委托,对销售的农业机械质量进行销售前检验和监督抽查,监督抽查结果应当予以公布。
第十七条 维修农业机械(含乡镇以下农用汽车)的单位和个人,应当经当地农业机械管理部门进行审核,取得农村机械维修点技术合格证,并到工商行政管理部门办理营业执照,方可从事维修业务。
第十八条 维修农业机械的单位和个人,应当具备下列条件:
第十九条 维修农业机械的单位和个人,应当依照有关农业机械维修技术标准进行维修,并对维修质量负责。
第二十条 农业机械管理部门应当对农业机械销售、维修单位和个人的技术资质条件进行检查和年度审验。
第二十一条 因销售、维修农业机械发生纠纷,需要对农业机械质量进行鉴定的,可以委托法定的农业机械质量检验机构鉴定。

第三章 经营服务
第二十二条 农业机械所有者依法开展经营服务和生产作业。
第二十三条 国家、集体所有的大中型农业机械,必须按照规定提取年折旧费,用于农业机械更新改造。
第二十四条 农业机械拥有者为他人提供农业机械作业服务,其作业质量必须符合作业标准;没有制定作业质量标准的,按照农业机械拥有者和用户双方协商拟定的标准作业,作业质量不符合标准的,应当返工重作,或者减收服务费,赔偿经济损失。
第二十五条 农业机械作业质量标准由市农业机械管理部门制定,报市技术监督部门备案。
第二十六条 乡(镇)人民政府应当因地制宜,建立耕地轮翻制;机耕作业用户应当及时交付机耕费。具体收费办法由市人民政府制定。
第二十七条 农民个人或者联户购置的拖拉机从事非营业性运输,为农业生产以及农民生活服务,向国家交售或者到市场出售自产的农副产品,持村民委员会证明,免交养路费和运输、工商管理费等。
第二十八条 乡(镇)农业机械管理服务站应当具备供应油料、机械维修、配件供应、技术培训和推广能力。
第二十九条 乡(镇)农业机械管理服务站,应当建立农业机械技术档案,并报县(市)、区农业机械管理部门备案。

第四章 推广培训
第三十条 市、县(市)、区人民政府应当逐步增加农业机械化科学研究、技术推广和教育培训的经费。
第三十一条 农业机械科学研究、技术推广和教育培训机构的试验基地、服务设施、生产资料以及其他资产受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵占和破坏。
第三十二条 各级人民政府应当根据自愿的原则,鼓励和引导推广农业机械新技术、新机具,任何组织和个人不得强制农业劳动者使用农业机械新技术或者新机具。
第三十三条 具备下列条件之一的农业机械方可在农业生产中推广应用:
第三十四条 农业机械驾驶、操作、修理和从事其他农业机械技术的人员,应当经市、县(市)、区农业机械管理部门认可的机构进行岗位专业培训,经技能考核合格后,方可从事农业机械工作。

第五章 安全监理
第三十五条 市、县(市)、区农业机械管理部门所属的农业机械安全监理机关,具体负责本行政区域内的农业机械安全监督管理工作。
第三十六条 农用拖拉机、联合收割机、农用推土机、农用三轮车等农业机械,由农业机械安全监理机关实行牌证管理。
第三十七条 购买实行牌证管理的农业机械的单位和个人,应当在购置农业机械后三十日内持介绍信或者身份证、发货票、产品合格证等有关证件,到所在地农业机械安全监理机关申请领取号牌和行驶(使用)证。
第三十八条 实行牌证管理的农业机械应当按照农业机械管理部门的规定接受年度检验,未经年度检验或者年度检验不合格的,不得继续使用。
第三十九条 使用实行牌证管理农业机械的驾驶或者操作人员,必须经农业机械安全监理机关考核合格并领取驾驶证或者操作证后,方可驾驶或者操作与证件规定相符的农业机械。
第四十条 实行牌证管理的农业机械或者驾驶、操作农业机械的人员发生转籍、变更时,应当到原发证机关办理有关手续。
第四十一条 农业机械驾驶、操作人员应当严格执行操作规程,不得违章作业。
第四十二条 农业机械的安全性能、技术状态,应当符合国家和省规定的技术标准,经检测不符合国家和省标准的,不得使用。

第六章 法律责任
第四十三条 违反本条例第十条规定的,由农业机械管理部门和有关部门责令停止销售,有违法所得的没收违法所得,并处以五百元以上五千元以下罚款;没有违法所得的,处以二百元以上二千元以下罚款。
第四十四条 违反本条例第十三条规定的,由农业机械管理部门会同技术监督、工商部门责令停止销售,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第四十五条 违反本条例第十七条规定的,由农业机械管理部门和有关部门责令停止维修活动,有违法所得的没收违法所得,并处以五百元以上五千元以下罚款;没有违法所得的,处以二百元以上二千元以下罚款。
第四十六条 违反本条例第二十三条第一款规定的,由农业机械管理部门责令其农业机械所有者限期补提折旧费。违反第二款规定的,由农业机械管理部门负责收回国家投资或者补贴款,上交财政,并处以五百元以上五千元以下罚款。
第四十七条 违反本条例第二十七条规定的,出具虚假证明或者骗取证明的,由农业机械管理部门责令农业机械所有者补交应缴纳的各种费用,并对出具虚假证明的直接责任人员和骗取证明的农业机械所有者分别处以五十元以上五百元以下的罚款。
第四十八条 违反本条例第三十二条、第三十三条规定的,由农业机械管理部门责令停止推广;影响农业生产,给农业劳动者造成损失的,推广单位应当承担民事赔偿责任。
第四十九条 违反本条例第三十七条第一款、第三十八条、第三十九条、第四十条规定的,由农业机械安全监理机关,处以二十元以上五十元以下罚款。
第五十条 违反本条例第四十二条规定的,由农业机械管理部门责令限期达到技术状态标准或者责令停止使用,并处以一百元以上五百元以下罚款。
第五十一条 妨碍农业机械管理部门工作人员执行公务的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第五十二条 农业机械管理部门的工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第五十三条 农业机械管理部门对个人处以一千元以上罚款,对法人或者其他社会组织处以五千元以上罚款的,在作出行政处罚决定之前,应当告知当事人有要求听证的权利;当事人要求听证的,农业机械管理部门应当组织听证。
第五十四条 当事人对行政处罚不服的,可以在接到处罚决定书之日起十五日内向作出处罚决定机关的上一级机关申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可以在接到复议决定之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉。当事人也可以在接到处罚决定书之日起十五日内直接向人民法院起诉。

第七章 附 则
第五十五条 本条例由长春市人民代表大会常务委员会负责解释。
第五十六条 本条例自发布之日起施行。









Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved and promulgated by the State Council on August 25, 1987)
With the development of China's foreign trade and economic and
technological exchanges with foreign countries, the amount of imports by
air has increased rapidly and the task of transporting goods from airports
has become increasingly arduous. The following interim measures are
formulated in order to speed up the flow of goods at airports to prevent
goods from being kept too long in storage:
1. When entrusting the foreign trade companies and the industrial trade
companies which are empowered to import the relevant commodities to do the
ordering, the units importing goods through air transport must
conscientiously fill out import orders according to the instructions of
the entrusted units. The full name of the units and the detailed addresses
must be written in the column for the consignee, with the names and
telephone numbers of the persons in charge clearly indicated.
2. When it is necessary to claim damages and demand resupply of goods from
the seller because of lack or loss of imported goods caused by the seller,
the company which did the ordering shall be responsible for the work
involved. If, in special cases, the job must be done by the users
themselves, it is necessary to ask the seller to indicate clearly on the
way bill the number of the contract and the consignee (if foreign trade
transport companies or other agent transport departments are entrusted to
do the job, the names of these companies or departments shall be
indicated) and notify the company which did the ordering of the goods of
the results.
3. Foreign trade companies and industrial trade companies should accept
entrustment for ordering goods within the approved scope of business for
handling imported commodities. They must not accept entrustment from
those user units which have not obtained import licences for the goods.
These companies should examine and verify import orders and write the
marks, codes and symbols in strict accordance with the relevant
stipulations. The relevant personnel should be professionally familiar
with the structure of the marks and arrange the codes strictly according
to their order. No such mistakes as reversion, addition and subtraction
may be allowed.
Newly-established foreign trade companies and industrial trade companies
shall apply to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade (or
its Transport Bureau) for marks and codes within one month of approval for
the establishment. Those companies which have not applied must go through
the formalities within one month of promulgation of these Measures. No
units may be allowed to devise their own codes or borrow the codes of
other units. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade (or its
Transport Bureau) shall conduct regular check-ups of the marks and codes
used by various companies.
4. When signing contracts of imports by air with foreign businessmen and
companies, foreign trade companies and industrial trade companies should
try to fix FOB prices (prices calculated on the basis that the seller
deliver the goods to the planes designated by the buyer) in the clauses so
that our civil aviation planes and the agencies for air transport of our
foreign trade transport companies or other agent transport companies
stationed in foreign countries will be used as much as possible. When
signing contracts with foreign businessmen and companies, foreign trade
companies and industrial trade companies should take into full
consideration the factors of Customs clearance and transport in China.
When the sellers are requested to write way-bills, bills and receipts,
they must provide consistent marks, codes and the numbers of the
contracts, with enough copies. It is also necessary to ask the sellers to
make eye-catching full-size marks and symbols on the outside packing of
the goods.
5. After signing contracts, foreign trade companies and industrial trade
companies shall promptly send copies of the contracts, the licences and
other relevant materials to foreign trade transport companies or other
agent transport companies as certificates for taking over the goods,
Customs clearance and transport.
6. After imported goods arrive at airports by air, transport departments
of the civil aviation administration shall promptly complete the
formalities for handing over the goods to the relevant foreign trade
transport companies and other agent transport companies, with every lot of
goods carefully checked. In case of any lack or damage of the goods or of
loss of the whole lot of goods, transport departments of the civil
aviation administration shall sign and issue certificates.
7. After receiving the goods entrusted for Customs clearance, foreign
trade transport companies or other agent transport companies should go
through the formalities within the time limit prescribed by the Customs.
With respect to the goods which have been entrusted for Customs clearance
but are not armed with adequate number of documents and those goods which
have not been entrusted but belong to the category for which agent
transport companies have the duty to notify the relevant units, these
companies should send three notices or letters of inquiry to the units
ordering the goods or the consignee within the limited Customs clearance
period. Upon the arrival of the goods, a notice of arrival or a letter of
inquiry shall be sent; if the goods are not cleared through the Customs
within a month, a notice of pressing for Customs clearance or a letter of
inquiry shall be sent; if the goods are not cleared through the Customs
within two months, another notice of pressing for Customs clearance or a
third letter of inquiry shall be sent. All the notices and letters shall
be sent by registered mail. With respect to the goods which should be
directly handed over to the consignee by transport departments of the
civil aviation administrations, the departments shall send three notices
of pressing for Customs clearance within two months of the arrival of the
8. In order to find out the real situation to facilitate the Customs
clearance, in case that goods imported by air are not cleared through the
Customs two months after the day when the means of transport were declared
for entry, transport departments of the civil aviation administration,
foreign trade transport companies or other agent transport departments may
send separate applications to the Customs for opening the packing of the
goods. The opening of the packing shall be conducted under the supervision
of the Customs, which shall sign and issue the relevant certificates.
9. Under no excuses may consignees refuse to go through the formalities
concerning Customs clearance and refuse to take delivery of their goods.
When there are good reasons, they should promptly explain to the Customs,
transport departments of the civil aviation administrations, foreign trade
transport companies or other agent transport departments, and complete the
job within three months. During this period, the consignees may declare to
the Customs that they abandon the relevant advertisement material,
samples, presents and those documents of claims for damages which have
exceeded the prescribed period of validity. The goods imported through
contracts and those documents of claims for damages which have not
exceeded the prescribed period of validity may not be abandoned in
principle. When there are good reasons for the abandonment, approval must
be obtained from the competent department.
10. The Customs should simplify the formalities and speed up the
examination and clearance of imported goods in the spirit of providing
good service but with strict examination. The imported goods with
documents of approval issued by the
State shall be cleared according to the relevant regulations.
The goods for which damages have been claimed shall be examined and
cleared in accordance with the Stipulations Concerning Imposition of or
Exemption from duties on Imported and Exported Goods Compensated at No
Costs formulated by the General Administration of Customs. If it is
difficult for the consignees to produce the certificates of claims for the
examination on the spot, the Customs may clear the goods first after the
consignees provide necessary guarantee and promise to go through the
formalities within the time limit. With respect to the samples and
presents which do not belong to the category of imported goods restricted
by the State but are not supported by receipts, upon the application of
the consignees, the Customs may open the packing for examination, offer an
appraised price and clear the goods with or without taxes according to the
11. If consignees fail to declare to the Customs within three months of
the declaration for entry by the means of transport, their imported goods
shall be transferred to the Customs for sale by the transport departments
of the civil aviation administration, foreign trade transport companies or
other agent transport department. The goods should be sold in the
principle of economy and making the best use of everything. Instruments
and machinery equipment should be sold as far as possible to the relevant
units. The money from the sale of such goods, after the deduction of the
expenses for transport, loading and unloading and storage as well as the
duties, shall be returned by the Customs to the consignees upon their
applications within one year of selling. The money shall be turned over to
the State treasury if no one applies for it.
12. Units importing goods, foreign trade companies, industrial trade
companies, foreign trade transport companies and other agent transport
departments as well as the Customs at the airports must all strictly
implement these Measures and should, in accordance with these Measures,
establish and amplify their
rules and regulations and clarify post responsibilities.
13. The commissions (or offices) in charge of port affairs in various
regions shall, in accordance with the Interim Provisions for the Scope of
Competence of Local Administrative Organs for Port Affairs issued by the
General Office of the State Council, organize various relevant units at
the ports to jointly check the implementation of these Measures and solve
contradictions promptly through coordinated efforts.
In case that goods have gone bad, documents claiming for damages have
exceeded the prescribed period, or owners of the goods cannot be found
because of clogged airports caused by violations of these Measures,
investigations shall be carried out to pursue the economic and
administrative liabilities of the responsible units or persons.
14. The Leading Group for Port Affairs of the State Council shall, in
conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, the
General Administration of Customs, the Civil Aviation Administration of
China and other relevant departments, conduct regular checkups and
promptly review and solve existing problems.